Smart Readiness of Buildings Survey
Apr 13, 2023
As a part of WP2 of easySRI project, a survey is designed about smart readiness of buildings. The survey is available in six languages; English, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, and Greek. We kindly ask you to take 10 minutes to answer the questions in this survey which are prepared to assess the requirements and needs for the applicability of the easySRI framework in the EU market. As a representative of the building sector (e.g. designer, building owner, facility manager, construction company, property valuer, etc.) your feedback is very important for us, as it will help us to develop useful tools to support the building sector.
This survey is being conducted to support and inform the EU’s easySRI project. The easySRI project aims to enable the establishment of a smooth and extendable web platform that offers services for the automated calculation of the SRI (Smart Readiness Indicator).
The SRI is a common EU framework for rating the smart readiness of buildings. It addresses smart functionalities in nine domains: Heating, Cooling, Domestic Hot Water, Ventilation, Lighting, Dynamic Building Envelope, Electricity, Electric Vehicle Charging, and Monitoring and Control. And it reports impacts for the seven following criteria: Energy Efficiency, Maintenance and Fault Prediction, Comfort, Convenience, Health and Well-being, Information to Occupants and Energy Flexibility and Storage.
Please submit your answer by 30 April 2023.
You can find the survey here: